Endless Summer Event Vendor Application

We are excited to be reaching out with an opportunity for you to participate as a vendor in an upcoming event:
Realistic Health and Wellness & Coremess presents
Endless Summer of Health
August 24, 2024 12-4pm
6399 Transit Rd. E. Amherst, NY 14051
The idea of this event is to gather as many local favorite vendors and healers as a collective. In an effort to supply easy access to natural clean products, healers of all modalities, or even education to recreation. Giving our attendees incentive to stock up for the winter months, maybe with a themed promotion. I’ll prepare signs that states stock up sale participant. Putting this idea out there is very beneficial considering these events slow down and herb production slows. Having energy healers here to help others capture this moment in the sun and bring it with them into the winter cold nights. I don’t mean to talk winter already, but let’s collectively prepare to embrace those last few weeks of summer with the most empowering event. We are open to any idea you want to bring as long is it brings you and others happiness and joy. This is a friendly-friendly event. If you don’t come to showcase your business, bring the family in to see some artistic talents, our neighbors, and your friends.
On Saturday, August 24th, from 12:00 pm – 4:00pm.
This event is Free and open to the public who supports small businesses and shops local vendors and healers in a pop-up market!
We are looking for vendors that provide services or sell products that relate but are not limited to cannabis, energy healing, life coaches, food, fitness, health, beauty, and more. We are looking to provide a one-stop shop experience for those looking for healthy choices for the mind, body and soul that day. Additionally, we love that it is giving us the chance to help support and promote small local businesses that have real passion for your health and happiness.
The vendor fee is:
$100 for first time vendors
$50 for returning
$50 Offering free mini sessions
You can pay the registration fee when submitting the application form below.
Once paid I will add the business to the paid advertisement. First of the paid ads will be published mid June. That ad will promote the event to the public, but until then I’m looking for even good intentions and expectations can apply for now. I’ll lock in vendors closer to date and run more paid ads.
Please share this event with everyone, even if you can’t attend. Click event, interested, and share. Even this supports our community and takes care of them through the winter. Let’s work together to make this a YEAR to remember.
Send me a quick email text or social message saying that you would like to be involved and I will add you to the list. Again, this is not a locked in the date. Just showing intentions that you would like to have the intentions to participate affirmation again will be mid July.
It can be emailed to cailley@realistichealthwny.com
Event Date: Saturday, August
Event Time: 12:00 – 4:00 pm
Set up time: Arrive anywhere between 9:00-11:30 (We request all vendors stay till the end of the event. Let me know beforehand if that doesn’t work for you.)
Event Location: Realistic Health, and Wellness, 6399 Transit Rd. E., Amherst, NY 14051
Day of Contact: Cailley Macaluso, 716-397-7571
If interested please fill in the information below to become a vendor at the Endless Summer Event.

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